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Residential Maintenance Options

Like your car, an Air Conditioning system over time will malfunction. You wouldn't drive your car without changing the oil for 100,000 miles. The same exact logic goes for HVAC units. Regular AC Preventive Maintenance is the best way to avoid trouble and low performance. 

What is Preventative Maintenance? Preventative maintenance is a service provided by HVAC companies to keep your air conditioning and heating units running well. It is best to keep your systems tuned up annually as it will help prevent potential problems later on. With the proper maintenance. home or business owners can save up to 50%. Contact your experts at MP Air Conditioning and make sure your air conditioning is performing well.

Maintenance Service Call
(Emergency Call)


Per Visit

Best Package for Tune Up

1.5 hrs session/visit per unit (Corrective Maintenance)

Cleaning CU coil, pans, traps, and lines to prevent obstructions

Check refrigerant levels (include 1 pound of Refrigerant)

Inspect electrical components and connections.

Annual Maintenance


One Maintenance a year

Best for new  residential systems

1.5 hrs session/visit per unit (Preventive Maintenance)

Cleaning CU coil, pans, traps, and lines to prevent obstructions, change dirty air filters.

Check refrigerant levels

Inspect electrical components and connections.

Two Maintenance Annual


Two Maintenance a year

Best for old residential systems

1 .5 hr session/visit per unit (Preventive Maintenance) Twice a year.

Cleaning CU coil, pans, traps, and lines to prevent obstructions, change dirty air filters.

Check refrigerant levels

Inspect electrical components and connections.

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